Strategize your website business by uncovering what your users aren’t telling you.


Research & Designs (713) 742-2727

Gabriel Teniente Profile Image

Gabriel Teniente | Certified UX Designer

Houston, Texas

Gabriel has been in multimedia and visual design since 1999. Since then he has achieved over 30 certifications including those in, Digital Behavior Change, Emotional Design Psychology, Product Management, Google Analytics, User Experience and more in the area of digital strategy for businesses, innovation to provide better solutions, and understanding data to uncover insights from what your customers aren't telling you.

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79% of people who don't like what they find on 1 site, will go search for another site.

GE Capital Retail Bank

User Experience Optimization

Increase Retention & Conversion Rates

Drive growth. Increase user experience.

User Experience Product Demo

Facebook Recreation And iOS Features Enhanced

Fitness & Health Service
Mobile Movie UI

Learn How UX Can Help Your Website

Designing digital experiences to maximize your online presence.

Digital companies understand the ROI and results of UX. Here’s how it can make an impact

What customer’s don’t tell you about your website. Your website is typically the first entry of your brand

In the meantime, you rely on word of mouth. Your competitor on the other…

This cycle continues and prevents their website from maturing into…

GATEN Research & Designs (713) 742-2727


When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution isn’t beautiful, I know it is wrong. – R.B. Fuller